Treating Founder (Chronic Laminitis) without Horseshoes, Coffin Bone Studies

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Denise McLain’s Hoof Comparison Photos

Denise McLain, who hosted the May 20-22, 2000 Strasser clinic in Ohio, had some dead feet left over.  She's been putting them to good use doing some dissections and comparative studies.

Hoof Pair A--

Small and large hoofs compared. Shows why Jaime Jackson was finding wild horses with draft-type feet that had toes not much longer than the smaller-hoofed animals. Once she dissected these hooves, the coffin bone of the larger hoof was considerably wider, but not much taller. In last photo, P2 bones compared as well--again, wider, but not proportionately taller.

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Hoof Pair B--

Small and large hooves compared.

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1st photo compares the hooves before trimming from various angles.

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2nd photo compares the hooves after she trimmed them. Photo of small hoof shows the gauge indicates more toe needs to be taken off from the bottom of the foot to get a 30 degree hairline slope and align pastern. Also a photo of hoof capsules after bones removed.

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3rd photo compares the coffin bones from various angles.

Hoof Pair C--

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1st photo compares the hooves before trimming. This shows an even greater size discrepancy.

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Hooves after trimming.

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Denise's comments: "Well, the coffin bone of the Percheron measured 2--7/8" from extensor process to the "ground." This particular coffin bone is horribly deformed along the solar edge besides having the v notch and ossifications along the palmar processes. Poor old horse. This very, very large foot has a coffin bone measuring 3/4" more in height than the smallest foot. I would have thought it would it have been much, much more. I mean, just look at the size of that foot in the photos I sent. I haven't measured the width yet but it is significantly wider than any of the others. Also, notice how crooked the smaller hoof is. The trim straightened him up, but not totally. That would take time."

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