Natural Board Directory
--find or offer 24/7 turnout for barefoot horses only!
I am providing this page to help horse owners and farm owners connect as a free public service. I am not responsible for the boarders or farm owners. Being listed on this page does not mean I personally know and recommend these boarding facilities...or the people who respond to the listings.
Farm owners--once there are no vacancies on your farm, or if you need to make changes in your listing, or if you want to add any photos, please EMAIL ME.
24/7 freedom is something I really believe in! I posted some of the following comments on the naturalhorsetrim listserv:
The parallels between stalling and solitary confinement in prison are so striking! Cooped up for 23 hours a day in a space they barely have room to turn around in, out one hour a day in the 'exercise yard' IF they are lucky, solid walls blocking the view between the cells back on the cell block so they can neither see nor touch each other, food shoved through a slot in the door...I could go on! These are sentient beings, not motorcycles you can just park in the garage. They are meant to be out, moving around freely among friends. These are intensely social animals; solitary confinement is stressful to them. Further, they are prey animals for whom safety is one of the biggest priorities in their lives. When running away--their number one defense when they are in danger--is prevented by confinement, this also does a number on them mentally. Coupled with low-volume meals 2x daily, plus all this stress, it is no wonder ulcers are common in horses. Not to mention just general nervousness and unhappiness. If a human coming to a horse's stall to pet him and feed him a couple of carrots is the highlight of his day, he sure is leading an empty life. And a happier, saner horse is a safer mount!
In addition to a horse being happier out in company, he will also be healthier. The key to rehabilitating many horses with lameness problems is to keep them moving, which pasture board with other horses helps with. The soft footing in stalls does not provide enough hoof mechanism for harder-hoofed breeds, which is counter-productive.
I have had to discontinue making this an online interactive page because I was getting about 1000 spams a day. I apologize that this is less convenient, but the spams were increasing exponentially.
To submit an entry, Download this Form, print it, fill it out, and then snail mail it to me...
OR open it, type in your answers, and email it to me.
New entries will be added manually to the board listings page daily from entries I get back via snail mail..
Location: Hazel Green, Alabama USA
Contact info: Debi Broadway 256-828-7645
Price: 250.00 includes grain/hay only
Diet: Cob mix, timothy/orchardgrass and Bermuda Tifton 44 Hay, fed free choice 24/7
Barefoot only: I have 3 pastures available and do prefer only barefoot horses.
Other services: Trimming and full farrier services offered.
Trails or arena: Small dressage arena on property and round pen..
Pasture shelter: 3 full pastures; one has a turn out shed with lights, outlets, and fans.
Turnout: Constant turnout unless weather is VERY severe. I have a barn with stalls--one has a paddock attached to it, and all have doors in the front and the rear.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Have room for one or two trailers. Tack room is equipped with sink, hot and cold water, microwave, refrigerator, heat and A/C.
Comments emphasis website:We have a wash stall in our shed row barn with hot and cold water. We also have a whole horse hoof soaking spa outside which is quite elaborate. Horses in the pasture with access to the barn can go in stalls whenever they want, and stalls are equipped with sprinkler systems for SUPER hot days and to keep flies down. We also use fly predators monthly. We are a natural facility with no pesticide use. We are into homeopathy, massage, acupressure and proper diet. Water tanks in all pastures and free choice minerals provided to all
Location: Birmingham (Shelby County), Alabama, USA
Contact info: Erin Moss, 205-585-3282,
Price: $400.00
Diet: Grass, Grass Hay, Grain (Owner's Choice), Water
Barefoot only: We allow barefoot and shod horses.
Other services: Not at this time, however, I am just beginning to learn to trim.
Trails or arena: No riding trails. 2 arenas--1 outdoor full dressage, and a half-sized covered dressage/
Pasture shelter: We have three pastures, with wood and chain link fencing, full grass year round, and run-ins and trees for shelter.
Turnout: Constant turnout (weather permitting), we do stall for severe cold or inclement weather (the horses are never happy about that!)
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: This is a 25 acre, very private, "Backyard" stable. We can park 1 or 2 trailers. There are 2 large barns, 7 stalls total, 3 of the stalls are MUCH larger than 12'x12', and all have rubber mats. 2 stalls have paddocks attached, which also lead out to two of the pastures, 2 1/2 tack rooms (1/2 room is a lounge and bathroom), 1 wash stall with hot & cold water and heat lamps. We also have a round pen. Our terrain ranges from mostly flat to rolling hills.
Comments emphasis website: I prefer to be contacted via the e-mail. Our farm is located within city limits and is very convenient to everything in the Metro Birmingham Area, Most of our horses are older (late teens to mid 20's), we prefer to house no more than 6 horses total (so as not to stress our pastures)

Location: Morris (Birmingham Metro) Alabama
Contact info: Robin South, 205-527-5058,
Price: $250
Diet: 2x dail feedings / premium grass hay. Whole oats/ Purina Strategy as needed. Free choice premium Bermuda grass hay.
Barefoot only: Though we do allow shod horses, all our clients are currently barefoot.
Other services: Experienced barefoot trimmer on premises, as well as Natural Horsemanship trainer.
Trails or arena: Extensive and varied riding trails within 1 mile of barn. Lighted outdoor round pen.
Pasture shelter: 3 pastures totaling 7 or eight acres. Herds separated by gender.
Turnout: 24/7 turnout except in cases of severe weather.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: 2 tack rooms, indoor H/C washrack and restroom
Comments emphasis website:
Location: Camp Hill/Auburn Area, AL, USA
Contact info: Katrin Klemm, 205-966-7030,
Price: Pasture $250, Rehab Track $350, full board also available $500/month, rehabilitation services cost tailored to specific needs of individual horse on a case by case basis.
Diet: Beet pulp pellets, soaked; Southern States Select pellets; Bahia/Bermuda mix hay, free choice in winter for pasture board, year around for track horses; we strongly encourage use of Ca Trace Plus mineral/probiotic supplement or other mineral/probiotic supplements, especially for our rehab patients at an additional cost.
Barefoot only: Preferred (currently have one shod horse)
Other services: Trimming, training and rehab available; Easy Care, Inc. dealer, offer fitting services and boot sales.
Trails or arena: Nearby dirt roads present, with power lines available off dirt roads. 2 full-sized arenas, one 100' x 200' general purpose lighted arena; one larger arena with full jump course.
Pasture shelter: Several ~ 1 acre paddocks - awaiting shelters; Pasture board turnout currently consists of a 4 acre pasture and an approximately 6 acre pasture, both have run-in shelters; Track pending shelter this spring; additional 8-10 acres being fenced first half of 2013.
Turnout: Pasture board and track horses out constantly, unless full rehab case that needs more attention and hand walking, those cases are tailored to the needs of the horse and adjusted as needed to suit the horse's daily situation. Full boarders out daytime in winter, night time in summer, and up remaining time in 22 stall barn.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Limited trailer parking available, secure but shared tack room available for all boarders, round pen available.
Comments emphasis website: We accept acute and chronic founder cases as well as "navicular syndrome" cases for rehabilitation. We are conveniently located close to Auburn University Vet School and we have a good relationship with their published and experienced founder rehabilitation veterinarian who is available for consultation and can closely oversee our patients' care and recovery process! and

Right--pea gravel double stall - to help maximize caudal foot development

Left--islands of pea gravel and other stimulating and abrasive footing on the PP stale track.
Right--Founder rehab horse on pea gravel to stimulate circulation.

Left--two double stalls available for acute care/recumbent horses as necessary; all stalls matted with solid rubber mats.
Location: Little Rock, AR, USA
Contact info: Mandy D. Place (501) 680-1869
Price: NEEDING to board, please respond if you are in AR
Diet: Hay and cracked oats only if needed
Barefoot only: Doesn't matter
Other services: Doesn't matter
Trails or arena: Would be nice
Pasture shelter: 2+ acre pasture needed for 3 horses, run-in available
Turnout: constant
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Would be nice
Comments emphasis website: Please respond to this if you have a facility avail.
Location: Ben Lomond, CA, United States
Contact info: Tauna Grinager, 831/246-0084,
Price: $175
Diet: Free-fed grass hay + small amount of alfalfa 2x/daily
Barefoot only: YES!!
Other services: Certified Hoof Groom through United Horsemanship; Rehab & transition help if needed
Trails or arena: Round pen onsite, ride through quiet streets to trail and possible arena use at nearby larger facility. Clinics, lessons & training also available at nearby facility.

Pasture shelter: 5 acres of pasture w/o green grass. Lots of old-growth, shady oak & madrone trees, with nice sunny spots.
Turnout: 24/7 turnout. 2 large separate pastures with smaller 'introduction' pasture. Hope to keep it all open to one area, though.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: No room currently for another trailer, sorry. Locked tack/feed storage onsite.
Comments emphasis website: Run as a co-op with limited commitment of feeding/cleaning 1-2 times/week. Website:
Location: Temecula, California USA
Contact info: Doreen or Linda Campbell (909) 767-7368, (909) 767-7371,
Price: $375
Diet: Alfalfa and/or Bermuda grass. Other @ additional cost.
Barefoot only: No. Will make every attempt to pair barefoot horses together.
Other services: Trimming (Dani Lloyd); rehabilitation, Mary Debono/SENSE Method Workshop.
Trails or arena: 27 miles of direct-access riding trails.
Pasture shelter: Large, seasonal grass. Varying sizes (2-6 horses per pasture). Mature and young trees, wood shelters.
Turnout: Constant turnout. Can put in 24 x 24 pipe corral at night, if desired.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Limited trailer parking. New facility. Tack room, pending.
Comments emphasis website: Mary DeBono/SENSE Method - On-site 2 days a week (additional cost).

Location: California/Orange County
Contact info: Lauren (949) 232-6190,
Price: $295/mo., large private paddocks.
Diet: Grass hay and bermuda, with occasional alfalfa if horse can tolerate it. We also feed owner-provided supplements. Any chronic condition is treated holistically with herbs and homeopathy.
Barefoot only: Yes, as quickly as possible.
Other services: We only accept rest lay-ups and retired horses. We offer limited additional services, such as winter blanketing, supplement feeding, exercise. Skilled barefoot trimmer visits the ranch on a regular basis.
Trails or arena: Wonderful trails
Pasture shelter: Different sizes. We do holistic natural boarding--large open pens with shade/rain covers. We do not have stalls.
Turnout: Yes, day & night
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: No, Yes, Yes
Comments emphasis website:
Location: Brentwood, (Northern) California, USA
Contact info: Launa Stach, 925 634-4668
Price: $300.00
Diet: Pasture, Oat, Wheat, Grass hay, occasional Alfalfa
Barefoot only: Barefoot only
Other services: All horses trimmed by Dave Fitton SHP (Strasser Hoofcare Profesional) 559-568-1335
Trails or arena: Hundreds of miles of trail access directly through the gate of Barefoot 'n' Healthy ranch. Round pen and arena available.
Pasture shelter: Rolling hills with oak trees' also open shelters for horses to use at their discretion.
Turnout: 24/7 turn out with herd.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Minimal trailer parking, tack room, round pen, arena.
Comments emphasis website: Barefoot 'n' Healthy specializes in natural equine boarding. We want to get the word out that Barefoot is better and horses need movement, herd life and 24/7 food! We have special interest in lameness recovery including Laminitis, Founder and Navicular. Barefoot 'n' Healthy is also a great place for yearlings and retired horses alike.
Location: Galt, CA, USA
Contact info: Cindy Long Scoleri, (209) 748-2658,
Price: $220
Diet: grass hay, alfalfa pellets
Barefoot only: yes
Other services: yes--monthly barefoot trimming, lessons, training, exercise riding. ARIA certified in recreational riding and stable management.

Trails or arena: 20 acres to ride on plus covered arena
Pasture shelter: grass pasture or dry lot, some with shelters
Turnout: 24/7
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: trailer parking, tack room, round pens, wash rack
Comments emphasis website:
Location/State/Country: Morongo Valley, Ca USA
15 minutes from North Palm Springs
Contact info:
The Ranch @ Indian Rock Reserve
Kristin and Drew Powers
415-565-9726 text or leave Voicemail
Monthly board price: Boutique individual pricing per horse- please inquire for current rates.
Diet: Best high quality hay available that fits nutritional needs of the horses- Bermuda, Orchard, Timothy, Three Way, Oat, Alfalfa. Necessary minerals. We will purchase whatever is deemed necessary for horse to eat- either delivered or picked up.
Only barefoot allowed in field?: Highly prefer, but may consider exceptions.
Offer trimming, training or rehab?: Inclusive or a la carte barefoot trimming with resident barefoot farrier Valerie Headrick. On site Hunter/jumper training, Western pleasure/general horsemanship, confidence building for horse and rider, starting green horses and tuning up problem horses all breeds/disciplines. Trainers coming in from other barns allowed. Full rehab with hoof soaking, trimming, etc available. Retired or navicular also accepted.
Riding—nearby trails? Arena?: Direct trail access- no riding on any pavement necessary. Miles of trails of varying difficulty. Property right next to sandy wash for nice light gallops if desired. Large arena with jumps, and nice round pen. Lights being added on.
Describe shelter, pasture: Large no grass pasture- shelters from elements/sun, moving towards full pasture paradise model over coming year. Limited pipe corrals with shelters available.
Constant turnout, or in at night: Mostly constant turn out, but owner preference accommodated
Trailer parking, tack room, round pen?: Trailer parking $25-75/month
Two locked tack rooms with ample bridle and saddle racks
Nice round pen
Comments, emphasis, farm website?: We strive to offer horse care that puts the horses actual needs first, not antiquated needs that humans have created for ourselves. Using a more horse focused approach--vet/farrier/chiro/dentist/training bills greatly reduced. Colic/ulcers/vices virtually non existent. But luxury all inclusive board with high end amenities and training still available. Gorgeous valley and mountain views, yet 15 minutes to North Palm Springs, 45 minutes to Thermal and consistently 15 degrees cooler than Palm Springs.
Manager/trainer couple live on site, 24 hour care, night checks, fully fenced property.
Location: Wellborn Florida
Contact info: Andrea Haller 386-963-1555, cell: 386-623-2292,
Price: $450/month
Diet: Seminole horse feed, but owners can select their own customized feed and schedule, aseach horse has individual care. Grass pastures supplemented with hay from Canada, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
Barefoot only: Barefoot or front shoes (none of the horses here have back shoes)
Other services: Three farriers on call, training here, natural horsemanship focus, 45 minutes from University of FL at Gainesville
Trails or arena: We have 107 acres including riding trails, covered arena, grass jumping arena, and obstacle course
Pasture shelter: Vinyl and electric fences, all new (built facility in 2001), grassy shaded pastures, run in sheds, daily water hosing in summer,
Turnout: Owners can request specific turnout hours, but our own horses are out 24/7.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: We do overnight stabling, plenty of parking for semi's, big rigs, two round pens, tack room, etc. New in 2006: five pull-thru trailer sites with hi speed internet.
Comments emphasis website:

Location: Hudson, FL (Pasco/Hernando County)
Contact info: Roger/Brenda Kennedy, 727-819-1945,
Price: 325 full, with custom plans available
Diet: Timothy or alfalfa or hand mixed T/A; limited grain except as needed
Barefoot only: prefer only barefoot, but will consider front shoes depending on horse
Other services: none
Trails or arena: 1/2 acre lighted riding arena on premises - state forest approx 1/2 hour drive
Pasture shelter: Irrigated bahia pastures--well grassed; plenty of shade trees; regular cleaning of water tanks; barn very sturdy (we survived 4 hurricanes last year with no damage!); currently 2 open 12x12 stalls with fans, auto waters and additional bucket of fresh water.
Turnout: Generally all turn out is group coming into barn overnight. Can be adjusted based upon medical necessity.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: trailer parking available, locked a/c tack room; no round pen at this time.
Comments emphasis website: We are not high volume, small & quiet, maximum of 6 horses on 10 acres, personal attention. Go to:
Location: Augusta , Georgia
Contact info: Kristie 706-228-4297, email:
Price: $325.00
Diet: Oats , pasture , coastal hay
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Trimming
Trails or arena: Roundpen, arena with jumps and grass dressage arena
Pasture shelter: 12 stall barn and run in sheds , plenty of shade
Turnout: Constant turnout
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: All of the above
Comments emphasis website: Emphasis on natural living conditions ...lessons available.
Location: Kapaau, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
Contact info: Nancy Steinecke, 808-889-0067,
Price: $600
Diet: mixed tropical pasture grasses, alfalfa pellets, complete pellets, canola oil, minerals for Hawaii
Barefoot only: yes
Other services: We offer trimming, training, and rehabilitation at additional fees.
Trails or arena: Large covered arena, outdoor jumps, some rural road riding
Pasture shelter: Live out in groups (bands), some trees, horses needing further rain protection wear waterproof/breathable sheets for an additional fee
Turnout: constant turnout
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Limited parking. Tackroom. Round Pen.
Comments emphasis website: Specialty natural horsemanship ranch with credentials in dressage and eventing.
Location: North Shore (Mokuleia) Oahu, Hawaii
Contact info: Morgan Hutchings, 808-223-9080,
Price: $350
Diet: free choice hay (premium, timothy, and/or wild grass), and minerals
Barefoot only: yes (due to small mesh hay nets at ground level)
Other services: Trimming and rehab.
Trails or arena: Safe, quiet residential road with beach access. 5 minutes from Dillingham Ranch and the Polo field.
Pasture shelter: 2 acre paddock, will be transformed into a Paddock Paradise track in the coming months.
Turnout: 24/7 turnout
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking.
Comments emphasis website: This is a small facility leased for my own horse. I would like to take in 2 boarders to keep her company. I am an AANHCP certified trimmer with many years of experience raising horses, all breeds and ages welcome. Board includes feed, trimming, and light grooming (possible exercise riding, no training.)
Location: Eagle, Idaho USA
Contact info: Sally Tarbet 208/890-8899
Price: $150/month.
Diet: Grass hay, free range dry land pasture, salt & minerals
Barefoot only: Barefoot & shod horses are allowed
Other services: Mother nature helps keep their feet in near perfect shape.
Trails or arena: Ride basically forever from the trailering needed. Ride year-round.
Pasture shelter: Rolling hills, dryl and pasture, 80 ac., 30 ac., & 40 ac. more in 2005
Turnout: 100% turnout - I don't believe in stalls. It isn't fancy, just natural and healthy.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking, round pen & arena - which nobody uses...
Comments emphasis website: The horses are happy, free, & healthy!

Location: Boise, ID--Ada County. We are located just outside of Eagle, 1 mile up behind Shadow Valley Golf Course
Contact info: Heidi Toussaint, 208-938-1772,
Price: $200
Diet: Quality hay 2x daily.
Barefoot only: Prefer barefoot, but will accept horses with shoes.
Other services: no
Trails or arena: 1 small arena. Miles and miles of BLM land right from our pasture.
Pasture shelter: Large shelter, dry foothill pasture.
Turnout: Constant turnout.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Some parking available, but limited. Tack room and small arena.
Comments emphasis website: I really believe that horses are much better off in pasture than in stalls, so probably not ideal place for show horses. But great for a pleasure horse where you no longer need to trailer your horse to goon a nice ride. We love our animals and will take care of your horses like they are our own!
Location: Woodstock, Illinois, USA
Contact info: Jodi Funk, 815-210-1309
Price: $260
Diet: Free Choice Hay. Feed 6 days custom feed mix with no molasses; rice bran, flax, beet pulp, cinnamon and garlic, oats--higher in fat and protein, lower in sugar.
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Natural Trimming, natural training, holistic rehab
Trails or arena: Outdoor Area to ride in. Outdoor arena.
Pasture shelter: 6 pastures, 4 run-in sheds, on 45 acres
Turnout: 24/7 turnout in herds
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Some trailer parking, 2 Tack areas.
Comments emphasis website:We use essential oils and homeopathics, etc., to holistically rebuild and rehab the horses' bodies and their minds.
Location: Just 10 minutes outside Bloomington/Normal Illinois in McLean County
Contact info: Marjorie Gilmore, 309-378-2124 email:
Price: $450.00
Diet: Mixed hay of alfalfa and grass 2 x daily, oats and pelleted vitamins and minerals
Barefoot only: No
Other services: Yes
Trails or arena: We have an indoor and an outdoor arena and 35 acres of pasture
Pasture shelter: A creek runs through our pasture. We bring the horses in to feed and then turn them back outside, pretty much all the time.
Turnout: Outside all night long, but can be kept inside in the stall during the night.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: We have room for trailer parking. Two tack rooms plus a heated lounge, restroom facilities and Culligan water.
Comments emphasis website: We strongly emphasize quality care of the horse in its natural environment.

Location: Lena, Illinois. Located in Scenic Northwestern Illinois/WI border area.
Contact info: Joyce Roling, 815-541-5910 or
Price: $15/day. $175/month (month to month) or $1800/yr contract. Multi horse discount.
Diet: Grass/grassy hay. Free Choice Minerals. Will feed owner-provided feeds &/or supplements up to 2 times per day.
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Trimming available. 2 excellent training facilities nearby.
Trails or arena: State Park with camping and trails ~3 miles. Large arenas nearby with training/lessons available.
Pasture shelter: 3 rotating pastures with loafing shed.
Turnout: Owner's choice - pasture 24/7 vs. 12 hrs. dry lot daily for overweight horses.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking and round pen available. Tack room coming summer of 2005.
Comments emphasis website: Hoof spa available warm months. Dressing trailer with toilet, microwave & fridge. Beautiful scenic area. 45 min from Galena, IL and New Glarus, WI.
Location: Carbondale, IL
Contact info: Jasmine Cave, 618-214-4173,
Price: $75
Diet: Free Choice Grass Mix Hay/ ABC free-choice minerals
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services:
Trails or arena: Wooded trails on property
Pasture shelter: 3 sided run-in shed and divided mixed grass pasture
Turnout: No stalls on property
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Private locked tack room
Comments emphasis website: 15 minutes from Southern Illinois University

Location: Edwardsville, IL (30 miles East of St. Louis, MO. - 70 miles South of Springfield at #30 exit on I-55)
Contact info: Liberty Prairie Farm - Mary and Kevin Price, owners/instructor, 618-692-1985 or 781-1468,
Price: Monthly board price starts at $225.
Diet: Home grown grass mix hay, organic grain and soaked beet pulp w/organic vitamin supplements from ABC - Advanced Biological Concepts. We also use Pro-bi from ABC for our horses and Ride-Rite electrolyte when conditions call for it. All horses grained once daily, hay twice when there is no pasture. Horses are fed in separate areas to assure they receive their own rations. If horse requires hay-only diet, we can accommodate easily, and most other feeding issues.
Barefoot only: Yes!
Other services: On site trimming, Natural Horsemanship training, riding lessons, & clinics. Hoof rehabilitation & whole horse rehabilitation program includes: equine dentist, hoof trims, diet reformulation (herbs & essential oils included), natural parasite program, chiropractic & acupuncture, massage & many other integrative therapies.
Trails or arena: Outdoor Arena, (new!) Indoor Arena, Play pen, Round pen, pasture riding and 7+ miles of trails on the property. We trailer horses less than 1 hour to many State Parks almost every Sunday when parks are open.
Pasture shelter: All pastures have free choice shelters. Stalls are available for emergencies. Pastures are rolling hills with some flat areas: two 3-acre pastures, one 7-acre pasture, & one 25-acre pasture. We also have 2 small dry lots for turnout when needed.
Turnout: Out 24/7 unless weather is VERY extreme
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Yes, we have trailer parking, community tack room, and round pen available.
Comments emphasis website: Since 1995 we've striven to create a natural horse care facility free from breed or discipline prejudices. Our focus is Natural Horsemanship and the bond it creates between horse & rider. To achieve this we vow to keep our equine partners naturally healthy & happy (mentally and physically) for a long life of service and friendship in the arena and out on the trails. We are constantly educating ourselves; growing and improving our farm in order to educate our boarders, students, & visitors. We pride ourselves on our hospitality and home style atmosphere, making everyone who visits our farm feel like they are part of the family here at LPF.
Location: Plymouth, IN
Contact info: Kathy Grant, 574-936-6694,
Price: $175
Diet: Hay
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Yes
Trails or arena: Yes
Pasture shelter: 1-6 acre pastue and 1-4 acre pasture, run-ins for both pastures
Turnout: Yes
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Yes
Comments emphasis website:

Location: Camelot Farm, Clarksville, MD USA
Contact info: Claire Lacey, 301-854-1371 or
Price: $550 for field/stall; $300 field only
Diet: Hay & grain provided 2x day customized feeding program
Barefoot only: All horses barefoot.
Other services: Will work with individuals on case by case basis. Training & rehab available.
Trails or arena: Sand dressage arena (not too deep) Jump course. Some trails
Pasture shelter: 50 acres. All pastures have big run-in sheds & access to flowing water.
Turnout: Limited stall space. In at night winter; In daytime summer.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking. Heated & air conditioned tack room & lounge. Shower. Separate tack room for boarders.
Comments emphasis website: British Horse Society trained instructor. Strong emphasis on holistic approach to management & training. Lessons available.
Location: Williamsburg, (Western) Massachusetts, USA
Contact info: Betsy Merritt, SHP 413-348-5798
Price: $50/per week natural boarding only, rehab starting @ $200 per week, includes hand walking, hoof soak, trimming
Diet: Grass pasture free choice, grass hay, oats, various naturally growing herbs and plants
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Yes, trimming by SHP, rehab walking, hoof soaking etc.
Trails or arena: Uncovered arena, many miles of trails close by
Pasture shelter: One 3 acre pasture with pond with run in shed, 40 acres run in all terrain from woods to wet lands hills and fields with 8 other horses
Turnout: Turn out 24/7 3 acre or 40 acre pasture
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking tack room, box stalls barn with aisle
Comments emphasis website: Misty Mountain Stable, Home of Barefoot Performance, natural hoofcare, natural boarding , trimming , rehab.
Location: Douglas, Massachusetts
Contact info: 508) 476-1317
Price: $350
Diet: Free Choice Grass Hay, Poulin Grains, Mixed Veggies & Herbs, ad ABC Plus vitamins
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Yes
Trails or arena: Natural New England Trails. Easy access to Douglas State Forest. On-site riding ring 200 X 200 with obstacles
Pasture shelter: Several large paddocks each with 3-sided shelters
Turnout: Horses out 24/7 with free choice shelters.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking prior arrangement; tack "sheds" with paddocks, 40' Round Pen
Comments emphasis website: - Penzance offers specialized health care (alternative and complimentary) as well as rehabilitation and re-training of horses. We believe in "Whole Horse" healing for horses AND their humans.
Location: Essex County, Massachusetts
Contact info: Sam Stanley
Price: $400/full
Diet: Hay/grain/grass in season
Barefoot only: Both
Other services: All
Trails or arena: Outdoor riding, boarders conservation land with lake access
Pasture shelter: Barn stalls or indoor/outdoor shed runs
Turnout: Personal preference
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Tack room, round pen, winter cover coming
Comments emphasis website: Natural Horsemanship approach, experienced instruction in Balance seat Learn at individual pace, the whole horse experience offered.
Location: Hadley, Massachusetts
Contact info:
Price: $200.00 - $400.00
Diet: Pasture, grains, free choice hay
Barefoot only: May have front only
Other services: Farrier comes by monthly, training available.
Trails or arena: Trails close by, large sand ring, small indoor
Pasture shelter: 14 acres fenced pasture, 1 run-in up, another coming.
Turnout: 24/7 or owners choice; 8 stalls total
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Limited trailer parking, locked tack room
Comments emphasis website: Student-friendly, close to U. Mass.

Location: Ann Arbor/Saline area, MI, USA
Contact info: 734-944-4570
Price: $470
Diet: Pasture/grass hay mix/grain/supplements
Barefoot only:
Other services: Not a training facility, but trainers welcome. Retired or semi-retired horses welcome.
Trails or arena: Indoor and outdoor riding area
Pasture shelter: Very large paddocks 5-10 acres
Turnout: Both available
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Tack room, club room, office, 60' round pen (sand footing)
Comments emphasis website: Emphasis on quality care. Barn: custom designed and Amish built.

Location: Southern Genesee County, MI
Contact info: Cheryl Allie,
Price: $300
Diet: Grass pasture and grass hay, mostly timothy with 20% alfalfa
Barefoot only: Prefer barefoot, but exceptions allowed
Other services: Scheduled AHA trimmer and well informed owner welcomes rehabs
Trails or arena: 60x120 indoor arena with groomed sand footing and good libghting
Pasture shelter: 2 grass pastures with large shelter
Turnout: 24/7 turnout except for bad weather and routine feeding, etc.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Locked, heated tack/feed room. Round pen with pea stone.
Comments emphasis website: Private, quiet atmosphere on small farm. Arena barn has seven 12x12 stalls with rubber mats and a window, bars between stalls. Owner has completed Dr. Kellon's nutrition program. Horses are fed only hay with mineral supplemented to hay/pasture analysis and other supplements/feeds as required for each horse. Your trainer/vet/farrier welcome. No set barn hours.
Location: Nerstrand, Minnesota
Contact info: Erika Achberger, 612-345-2077,
Price: $225.00
Diet: grass pasture/grass hay, Dynamite free choice minerals, Dynamite supplements
Barefoot only: Yes. Shod horses could be kept in stalls, at $350, or turned out separately from unshod horses.
Other services: Trimming, TTouch/TTEAM training, lessons, Reiki and Animal Communication, Homeopathy, Herbs, Accupuncture, Chiropractic, Massage, and a holistic approach tailored to individual horses in consultation with other professionals in the field as per owner's request.
Trails or arena: No trails, but road-safe horses can be ridden on scenis rural roads in surrounding area, including beautiful Sogn Valley to the North. Also covered riding arena open on East side 40 x 80, and indoor training area attached to main barn for longeing and ground work, but not suited for riding except on very gentle horses due to low ceiling.
Pasture shelter: 16 acre farm currently occupied by 10 horses, with capacity for perhaps half a dozen or so more. Mares and geldings are turned out together. Four 3-sided south-facing shelters.
Turnout: Constant turnout
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking and roundpen available
Comments emphasis website: See "other services" above.

Location: Midwest - near St Louis, Missouri (Dittmer)
Contact info: Kim Wilson, SHP
Price: $500.00 a month--all trimming, walking, and food included.
Diet: Soaked oats/beet pulp/hay/grass/flax seed
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: I offer trimming and rehab of hoof and body.
Trails or arena: Arena, pasture, and trails nearby to trailer to.
Pasture shelter: Various
Turnout: 24/7
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Yes
Comments emphasis website: I am a certified Strasser Hoofcare Professional dedicated to barefoot horses. The farm is geared to facilitate the hoof and leg rehabilitations of all types and disciplines of horses. I have a rubber clinic floor as well as various pastures and footings designed to help restore the horse to health. In addition to my own knowledge, I utilize a variety of support professionals to help return your horse to health.
Location: Havre, MT, USA
Contact info: Starry Night Farms, Lauren Dixon, manager, 406-265-7433,
Price: $150
Diet: Grass/alfalfa mix with low alfalfa content, fed twice daily at ground level
Barefoot only: No, but we strongly encourage a barefoot lifestyle for the horses boarded with us.
Other services: We work very closely with a natural balance farrier who is also a barefoot advocate. She has worked with us to rehabilitate a few horses with severe lameness, and we are set up to help anyone who needs to rehabilitate a horse.
Trails or arena: We are just down the road from Beaver Creek Park, one of the largest county parks in the nation, at 10,000 acres. The Park is criss-crossed with awesome trails for riding, and is open year round. Also, we plan to have our indoor arena built by summer of '07.
Pasture shelter: Dry lot pasture with run-in shed automatic waterers, free choice minerals and salt.
Turnout: Constant turnout
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: We have trailer parking available, as well as a tack room, and a 60' round pen.
Comments emphasis website: Along with the natural horsecare friendly boarding, we also offer an in-depth Natural Horsemanship and riding instruction program for beginner and experienced horseperson alike.
Location: Sparks, Nevada, Wahsoe
Contact info: Amy Fiedler, 775-560-5011,
Price: $225
Diet: 3x daily grass hay
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Have 2 natural trimmers that will rehab, clinics on trimming yourself held annually.
Trails or arena: Trails nearby, 100 x 200 all-weather footing arena with lights for night riding, sprinklers for dust.
Pasture shelter: 100 x 40 runs with 12 x 12 covered shelters
Turnout: Turnout whenever wanted.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Tack room, 70' round pen.
Comments emphasis website: Emphasis on trims utilizing Pete Ramey, Martha Olivo, Strasser
Location: Minden, Nevada, USA
Contact info: Karyn Shirley, Manager of Billy's Natural Horse Care, LLC. 775-901-6999, or
Price: Monthly board prices: Straight pasture $190, Paddocks $235, Stalls with turnout $385
Diet: TEFF or Orchard Grass--alfalfa only if owner insists
Barefoot only: Yes, in field, but shod horses on property, too
Other services: Offer trimming, training and rehab. Follow Buck Brannaman.
Trails or arena: Trails and arena available.
Pasture shelter: Large 3-sided shelter, 10 acre dry lot, fed hay.
Turnout: Depends on owner's request
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking, tack room and round pen all available.
Comments emphasis website: We emphasize a natural environment, ie, 24/7 turnout in a herd and fed once day with feed spread over 10 acres; horses have to travel in for water. We also accommodate "traditional" boarding and encourage boarders to at least try natural methods.
Location: Galloway (South Jersey), New Jersey, United States
Contact info: Karen Carr, (609) 804-1424,
Price: $350.00 full, $150.00 rough, will also consider an in-between situation
Diet: Pasture, free choice minerals, Plain oats, Dynamite products, orchard grass mix hay
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Carrie Christianson, SHP trims monthly.
Trails or arena: 25 acre farm w/few trails on property, open flat field for riding, along with one pasture doubling as riding ring at present for an enclosed area to ride. 40 min. trailer ride Wharton State Forest.
Pasture shelter: 2 fields approx 1 acre, 1 field approx 3 acre w/stand of woods, Barn is center aisle, box stalls w/Dutch doors direct to small paddocks into pasture.
Turnout: 24/7 turnout
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking, small tack room, Picadero setup (See Dancing w/Horses book)
Comments emphasis website: Looking for 1-2 boarders following natural horse care, and would love company for trail (competitive or pleasure) riding.
Location: Branchville, NJ. Sussex County
Contact info: Gary Stoll 973-948-0700
Price: $225.00
Diet: Pasture, hay, grain/supplements twice daily
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Barefoot trimmer visits once a month
Trails or arena: Outside arena, fields, trail access and country roads
Pasture shelter: 30 acres with 4 board oak fencing and 2 large run ins
Turnout: 24/7 outside but brought in twice daily for feeding
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Ample trailer parking and tack storage
Comments emphasis website: Great place for any horse from foals to retirees
Location: Taos, NM
Contact info: Jerome Smith, 505-776-3972,
Price: $200
Diet: Mixed grass hay, salt, minerals
Barefoot only: Preferred
Other services: AANHCP practitioner on site, trimming, rehab, some training.
Trails or arena: Rural area with lots of country...private river access
Pasture shelter: Natural 3 acre paddock, 7000' elevation, pinyon-juniper high desert, cactus, volcanic rock, natural prairie grasses, natural shelters in several 'tree' caves.
Turnout: 24/7
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Round pen, trailer parking, and tack room
Comments emphasis website: Owners on premises, 20+ years experience caring for horses

Location: Taos area, NM
Contact info: Sandra Miller, 575-758-0123,
Price: $250
Diet: 2x daily high quality grass hay, winter evening grain
Barefoot only: yes
Other services: natural trimmer by appointment
Trails or arena: Round riding ring, walk to public land trails by scenic Rio Grande Gorge, short drive to forest and more mesa trails.
Pasture shelter: Walk-in shelter 12' x 48' with 2-3 paddocks, smooth fenced 3 acre grazing pasture
Turnout: Turnout for grazing, exercise as needed. Paddock with shelters for main stay.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Parking for small to medium trailers. Small tack room. 2 round pens.
Comments emphasis website: Great location by BLM public trails, peaceful atmosphere. Artist/owner on premises 24/7.
Location: Lockport, NY
Contact info: Kelly Crowley (716) 439-8121
Price: 400
Diet: J&L Organic Feed & Supps//2nd cutting hay fed 4x daily, alfalfa hay available
Barefoot only: No
Other services: Welcome to use your own trainer/farrier/vet. Must keep up with farrier/vet appts
Trails or arena: Ample trails, 65x165 indoor arena with sand footing, grass outdoor jumping area
Pasture shelter: 4 large paddocks, 6 acre field and 3 acre field
Turnout: Night turnout during the summer, daytime during winter months
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking, heated tack room, hot/cold wash stall
Comments emphasis website: 11 stall barn with all of the amenities of a much larger facility. We know what it is like to board, so it is important that we get the right people in to maintain a happy, cohesive atmosphere. All horses are given tons of attention, turn-out, etc. Several horses are bare foot, and turn-out arrangements can be made to accommodate.
Location: just north of Hillsborough
Contact info: Carver Weaver, 919-732-7708
Price: $300/month
Barefoot only:
Other services: Owner on site, lots of TLC!
Trails or arena: Wash stall, ring with jumps and excellent footing, board fenced pastures, trails/foxhunting nearby.
Pasture shelter:
Trailer parking amenities roundpen:
Comments emphasis website:
Location: Batavia, OH, USA
Contact info: Elaine Miller, 513-724-2051
Price: $270-$300 including winter hay usage & continuous de-worming protocol
Diet: 1-2x/daily supplemental concentrate you provide --we find little supplemental grain needed except seniors & very hard keepers
Barefoot only: No--but only 1 TWH currently shod
Other services: Farrier with experience in founder rehab on a 4-8wk schedule; visiting trainer possible in near future
Trails or arena: Borders large state park with exceptional trails; arena under construction
Pasture shelter: 45 acres pasture; subdivided for herd groups & pasture rotation; raised limestone dry lots; 13 stalls available for feeding time & rarely needed stall time; each pasture group has a 12x20' open-ended polypropylene shelter; Fly predators & Endure Fly Spray as needed.
Turnout: constant--they are in for about 30 minutes a day to check over & feed
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Limited
Comments emphasis website: You have to see it to understand--this is NOT like any other stable we know.
Location: Columbus, OH
Contact info: Jean Whipple,, 614-735-9630
Price: Monthly board price: wide range depending upon level of care. Starts at $175 for self care to $350 for premium full care. All levels include regular de-worming. $350 includes monthly barefoot trims, high protein non-grain based diet with custom mineral mix, blankets on and off, etc.
Diet: Grass hay or grass/timothy mix hay, grain if needed, custom mineral/vitamin mix, wet grain mash every evening.
Barefoot only: Preferred, not required.
Other services: Yes, barefoot trimming offered, classical seat with natural horsemanship principles taught, horses trained.
Trails or arena: Yes, access to trails that lead to a metro park where horses are welcome. Indoor arena. Access to pastures for outdoor riding.
Pasture shelter: 14 acres divided into 6 pastures. Currently only one shelter, horses out daytime in winter, night time in summer except in extreme weather.
Turnout: See above.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Locked tack room, heated lounge, some trailer parking.
Comments emphasis website:
Location: College Corner, OH 45003 (approximately 10 miles N. of Oxford, OH and Miami University)
Contact info: Teresa Jessee, 513-796-2508,
Price: $200
Diet: grass pasture, first cut orchard grass/alfalfa hay (12% protein), custom minerals as recommended by Dr. Kellon after hay and pasture analysis.
Barefoot only: Front shoes allowed, but not preferred.
Other services: Farrier available who is familiar with Strasser and Ramey trims. Owner can do touchups if needed
Trails or arena: 20 acres to ride on why dry. Ground dries quickly here. Pea gravel track around 50' x 40' barn. Approximately 50' x 30' pea gravel area on one side of barn. Plans to add more pea gravel. State parks are 10-30 minutes away. Owner hauls 2-3 times a week to 3 different parks and can haul an additional horse.
Pasture shelter: 32' x 14' shelter for 4 horses. Automatic heated waterer. Approximately 7 acres in 3 different lush pastures. 2 acres in a sacrifice area that is used as sole turnout during the wet season.
Turnout: 24/7 turnout, currently 12 hours on lush pasture with or without muzzles; 12 hours on 2 acre sacrifice field. Horses have only spent 3 nights in the barn in the last 2 years due to high winds.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Room for one trailer, unlocked tack stall, 50' x 30' square pea gravel pen
Comments emphasis website: Room for 2 more boarders. Perfect for retirement or layup. Parelli friendly Owner has 33 years experience boarding horses. Pea gravel around barn, shed and waterer. Plans to add more.
Location: Clatskanie, Oregon/USA
Contact info: Wendi Cope, 503-728-2483,
Price: Summer-$75.00 per mo. Winter-$85.00/mo. (w/hay) self care, full care avail.
Diet: Timothy, native grass, clover
Barefoot only: Front shoes ok
Other_services: Training, rehab
Trails or arena: Many nearby trails, outdoor arena
Pasture shelter: 25 acres, segregated by sex, 14x120 run in, cement floor,
Turnout: We offer both, but most horses are out 24/7.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Plenty of trailer parking, tack room, no round pen.
Comments emphasis website: Separate yearling pasture, retirees welcome, thin horses get fat and healthy again, we breed Connemaras and have 135 acres for riding and driving, nearby beach and logging trails for riding.
We are accepting retirees for boarding now and have nice pastures that are for the old or disabled horses. We have a bell mare for the blind horses to follow and that works well. Horses are out 24/7, we do blanket with waterproof blankets for the hard keepers or really old folks per owner's request, seems to help them keep a good weight more easily during wet and windy weather. Pastures are native grass, timothy and clover. We are having a new barn built this summer that will have run in shelters and a feeding area, as well as some pens and areas for trimming/vet care.
We do accept horses for founder and navicular rehab, and have had good success so far, even on severe cases. Hoof spa available, matted areas, New Zealand fencing 5 strand, 6' high for safety. Gated and 24 hour security.
Retiree board $125. plus reasonable charges for hay or grain in winter if needed. I make a nice hot senior mush for the old folks in the winter that they really seem to like. No shoes here! The horses and ponies are all barefoot. Outdoor arena planned for this year, indoor is next door. Lots of forest trails and beach riding too. Trailer parking is available. We still have our Connemara stallion Balius Rhyddspence at stud and also offer halfbred sporthorses and ponies for sale. I hope this helps on the changes! We are really enjoying it here and so do the horses.
I have enclosed some pictures of a little pony that hadn't been trimmed in many years and was sold as part of a real estate deal. Her new owners didn't know what to do with her so started treatment after we had some x-rays taken. She could barely walk. First 3 photos are from 6/30/06. Most recent were from 5/07, she is happier but still has a ways to go. The right leg is finally starting to work correctly, and the left just blew out a huge abscess from so hopefully it will follow the right soon. The last photo is of 2 of our seniors in their pasture. The grey mare has a huge tumor in her stomach area that is why she looks so big. It doesn't interfere with anything and she is still happy. The bay pony gelding is blind. Mare is 27, gelding 23.

Location: Clatskanie Oregon 70 miles NW of Portland
Contact info: W. Cope, 503-728-2483,
Price: $85.00 pasture board; other services additional
Diet: Mixed grass hay and supplements fed as needed
Barefoot only: yes
Other services: natural horse trim, founder recovery
Trails or arena: beach and mountain trails, arena in progress
Pasture shelter: 6 - 35 acre pasture, New Zealand fencing, clay footing
Turnout: constant turnout, regular pasture rotation
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: trailer parking, small tack room, founder recovery area in progress
Comments emphasis website: We accept a limited # of retired or recovering horses, a great place for your retired horse to live out his days in horse heaven! Experience with foundered horses.
Contact info:
Price: $176.00
Barefoot only:
Other services:
Pasture shelter: THREE SIDED RUN-IN
Trailer parking amenities roundpen:
Comments emphasis website:
Location: Cresco, PA (Poconos) USA
Contact info:
Price: $250 board only, $400 full rehab
Diet: Pasture, forage, hay, oats, free choice minerals.
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Trimming, rehab.
Trails or arena: Trails on property, more nearby, outdoor riding arena
Pasture shelter: 88 acre property, currently six in pasture with pond, run-in shelters.
Turnout: 24/7 turnout
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Limited trailer parking, tack shed, round pen
Comments emphasis website: We are a rehab facility. In addition to trimming we can provide Energy Balancing, Equine Touch, Photonic Therapy, Homeopathy, and Aromatherapy.

Location: 941 Perkiomenville Rd., Perkiomenville, PA, USA
Contact info: Eleanor Vallone, 610-850-4992,
Price: $300
Diet: Full time high quality hay--first cutting alfalfa and low-sugar alternatives; feed only at owner's request and purchase.
Barefoot only: no
Other services: Trimming, training and rehab offered
Trails or arena: arena and nearby trails
Pasture shelter: large run-in sheds separated by 12' partitions to allow grouping--hills, hard pack, rocks, and a gravel-based feeding area (for hay feeding.) Pasture for horses that can tolerate. Smallest enclosed area is 3 acres. Largest number of horses is 18.
Turnout: 24/7 turnout
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: yes, all 3 available
Comments emphasis website: Trail riding! All over this area and beyond. Weekly trailer trips (hop aboard).

Location: Located in York, SC , near the NC/SC border (Charlotte, NC Area)
Contact info: Sandra Hammond, Rainbow Acre Stables, 803 684-2722. Email:
Price: $275 & up
Diet: We offer natural feeds, grass hays, Dynamite natural supplements & free choices.
Barefoot only: We promote barefoot horses & natural care, & prefer all to be barefoot.
Other services: We offer massage therapy, light therapy, energy work, animal communication, dressage & jumping riding lessons, natural training & have a certified barefoot farrier.
Trails or arena: Indoor & Outdoor Arena with jumps & limited trails.
Pasture shelter: We offer a lake and shelter in the main pasture & have smaller pastures & some smaller paddocks with shelters.
Turnout: Both options available, however we promote 24/7 turnout for the horses' health.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Our office has a restroom, refrigerator & microwave. Tack room & trailer parking available
Comments emphasis website: Emphasis is on excellent care, natural feed & education. Website address:

Location: Readyville, TN, USA
Contact info: SCindy Daigre, Ferrell Hollow Farm, 615-409-6071,
Price: $500 includes barefoot trims
Diet: Low Sugar/Starch forage-base3d diet: Top quality orchardgrass hay, hay pellets, hay cubes, chopped forage, all fed 3x daily. Triple Crown Senior feed and soaked beet pulp available if needed.
Barefoot only: Prefer barefoot only.
Other services: Have 2 trimmers and 2 vets available. Certified T-touch and energy work practitioner available.
Trails or arena: Retirement farm only. No riding. Facility is for senior, retired, special needs horses only..
Pasture shelter: Dry lot and pasture available depending on horse's needs. No more than 4 horses to a field. Run-in sheds with electricity and storage rooms in all fields. Heated water in winter and fans in warm weather at sheds. Horses are separated for meals. Property is very well maintained year round.
Turnout: 24/7 turnout
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: no
Comments emphasis website: Senior retirement farm. Special needs such as IR and Cushings are addressed. Make my own line of natural horse care products that are used on the horses that contain no chemical (fly spray, coat spray.) Also offer equine nutritional consultations.

Location: Spring Hill, TN, USA
Contact info: Elizabeth TeSelle, 931-388-9298,
Price: $300
Diet: Grass hay free choice, Buckeye Feeds (ration balancer, fat supplement), beet pulp, POSS, etc., as needed.
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Yes--I am a barefoot trimmer and offer rehab for selected horses.
Trails or arena: Trails on property and adjacent; close to Natchez Trace trail system. Dressage arena (outdoor) on premises (lighted).
Pasture shelter: 12 acres of varied terrain in several separate turnout areas. Main one is winding and rocky. Creek snakes through all turnout areas. In process of adding a wooded turnout as well. Run-in sheds in most pastures.
Turnout: 24/7. They come in to eat and go right back out.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Not much room for trailers. One 2-horse tops. There is a tack room. No round pen.
Comments emphasis website: I take 1-2 boarders at a time and prefer rehabs.
Location: Texas, Travis County, south Austin
Contact info: Chuck Stull, 512-280-1880,
Price: $225
Diet: Bermuda grass hay 24 hours, full nutrition pellets daily
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: If necessary
Trails or arena: Miles of trails, moderate arena.
Pasture shelter: Full pasture with 3 sided shelters, either individual paddocks or large herd pasture

Turnout: Out, no stalling
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: trailer parking possibly, tack room
Comments emphasis website: OR We are a full service breeding ranch. We believe in healthy lifestyle and barefoot.
Location: Crandall, Texas, USA 30 min SE of Dallas
Contact info: Gay Leigh Bingham, 214-882-8400,
Price: $125
Diet: Coastal bermuda, rye, wheat and clovers in winter.
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Yes
Trails or arena: Small riding pen, arena TBA, 1377 Acre ranch to ride on
Pasture shelter: 10, 25, 50, and 100 acre pastures
Turnout: Constant can be arranged to be in at night
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking, tack room, round pen
Comments emphasis website: Reining training, horsemanship camps, working cattle ranch.
Location: Odessa, Texas
Contact info: Robin Gaither, 432-381-8611
Price: $200/month outside $350/month box stall
Diet: Grain/Coastal/Alfalfa
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Yes
Trails or arena: Yes
Pasture shelter: Cross fenced with horse wire and loafing shed
Turnout: Constant turnout
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking and round pen
Comments emphasis website:
Location: Weston (just north of Dallas), Texas United States
Contact info: Starfire Equestrian Center, 972-382-8962,,
Price: $415
Diet: Pride Plus Horse Feed, salt in pastures, and free choice coastal hay.
Barefoot only: All but one horse is barefoot.
Other services: We have several Certified Natural barefoot trimmers, a holistic Vet, Equine Chiropractor, Equine Sports Massage therapist, and Structural Integration Professional. We also hold regular Parelli clinics and lessons and have a natural Dressage Professional come out on a weekly basis.
Trails or arena: Riding trails, indoor and outdoor arenas, round pen, playground, acreage to ride on
Pasture shelter: 8 pastures with pipe and cable fencing or electric, shelter or trees in all but 2
Turnout: Constant turnout (brought in only to feed), in if extreme weather (if no shelter in their pasture) and owner requests
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking, 2 tack rooms and trunk space in front of stall, 60 foot round pen, climate controlled lounge, hot/cold water wash racks, security gate, nightly check, and owner and staff member live on premises
Comments emphasis website: Our primary interest is natural horsemanship (mainly Parelli), but we have many people who pursue the disciplines of Dressage, Western Pleasure, Eventing, etc. We have very dedicated horse owners who actively participate in their horse's care and support each other in their continued learning. We have a very unique and special atmosphere here at Starfire. Visit our website

Location: Montgomery, Texas
Contact info: / 936-597-6957
Price: $375.00 per month
Diet: Oats & coastal hay--Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Barefoot only: Shoes on horses are not natural. Prefer barefoot
Other services: farrier on call
Trails or arena: each horse has own stall--front & back doors
Pasture shelter: 10 acres (max. head 8 horses) Box fan in stalls.
Turnout: 24/7; owner lives on property. Only in stalls to be fed--otherwise, stall doors to outside open.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Round pen, tack room, trailer parking
Comments emphasis website:
Location: Fairlee, VT, USA
Contact info: Long River Natural Board
Heidi Stocking
Price: $450 full board
Diet: Primarily grass hay. Supplements and grain fed individually as horse owner provides.
Barefoot only: We have multiple loop tracks. If you want your horse with only barefoot animals we can accommodate.
Other services: We have a barefoot trimmer that comes and does all our horses. She welcomes new accounts. We also offer Natural horsemanship training and education in equine husbandry. We can accommodate most rehab horse cases.
Trails or arena: We offer a 60' round pen and miles of forested trails as well as a few back roads if you prefer.
Pasture shelter: Loop tracks with "mini barns," 10' x 14' structures with 6' open doors on both sides. Horses have access to shelter, water, food and friends at all times. :)
Turnout: 100% turnout.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: We have a 60' round pen with a tack storage building nearby. No trailer parking at this time.
Comments emphasis website: Natural board on loop tracks. Full and partial board available, contact us or check out website for details. Natural Horsemanship Training. Improving the relationship and communication between horse and rider. Improve rider confidence and knowledge, "problem" horses, spook issues among other benefits. Horses available for riding, instructed or leisure. Hourly. Single or group. Starting at $30/hour riding lesson instruction to improve confidence and ability for beginning and/or younger riders. All ages welcome. Our horse or yours. On and off farm.
Location: Dunnsville Virginia USA
Contact info: Lisa Parkhurst
Price: $100.00
Diet: Supplement hay/grain in winter, spring summer fall nothing but grass
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Depends
Trails or arena: Yes, many acres of farm land, trails, round pen
Pasture shelter: Run-in shed, currently 8-9 acres of grass field
Turnout: Constant
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Yes
Comments emphasis website: Will only take two more horses, I have two.
Location: Manassas, Virginia
Contact info: Natalie Cruz, 703-867-4932,
Price: $200
Diet: Plenty of pasture, will grain 2x daily if boarder supplies grain
Barefoot only: No, but definitely prefer barefoot. No shod hinds, though.
Other services: Yes. Husband/wife team both trim.
Trails or arena: 2 rings, miles of trails, jumps
Pasture shelter: 23 acres, run in shed, 5 stall barn, all stalls with own door to fields
Turnout: 24/7 turnout with access to shelter
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking & tack room
Comments emphasis website: Offer riding lessons, friendly environment
Location: Fauquier County, VA, USA
Contact info: Diana Graves,
Price: $375 box stall, $250 standing stall, all horses out 24/7 unless sick
Diet: Grains as necessary, pasture, grass hays in winter
Barefoot only: Barefoot and shod horses in pastures
Other services: Natural Balance Certified Barefoot trimmers on site; many farriers visit here as well
Trails or arena: Indoor arena, 100 acres of wooded trails, jumping arena, dressage arena
Pasture shelter: 40 acres fescue and bluegrass, trees for shelter
Turnout: Come in twice a day for grain and check over, then back out.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Parking, round pen, heated tack room and lounge
Comments emphasis website: Usually full up, but may have an opening for laid back individual

Location: 18330 Old Ridge Rd., Montpelier, VA, USA
Hanover County (west of I-95 between Richmond and Fredericksburg)
Contact info: Heidi Multog, 804-883-5839,
Price: Currently $175/pasture (has 12 x 30 run-in shelter).
$225/pasture and stall.
Diet: hay and grain 2x day (as needed) plus almost constant turnout
Barefoot only: It is my preference that all horses be unshod...
Other services: I trim my own horses...up to individual boarders to make their own decisions in that area, although I strongly PUSH for natural methods, and am more than willing to help educate owners.
Trails or arena: No arena, but ample areas to ride on my property or easy access to country roads and trails.
Pasture shelter: Private family-owned estate with a maximum capacity of 10 horses with the "norm" being 6-8. Mostly retired horses or "lay ups." High tensile fencing strategically set against natural "visual" barriers such as tree lines, shrubs, etc. Pasture is set up for possible separation and for rotational purposes. Have a 4-stall Eberly Barn and a 12 x 30 run-in shelter.
Turnout: Turnout is generally 24/7 with the exception of inclement weather. In the winter horses paying for stalls are brought in at night and turned back out at daybreak. Blanketing included, but only done when temps dip below freezing. Barn is within the pasture fencing and doors are left pen for access in and out at horses' discretion.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Room for trailer parking at no additional charge. Tack room: limited space available. Currently no round pen.
Comments emphasis website: I have been a barn girl for most of my life and now have my own place. I have been a proponent of natural and holistic care ever since I can remember and long before it was the "in" thing, so horses are kept in as natural an environment as possible with mares and geldings kept together in a small herd situation. Please feel free to email with any additional questions.
Location: Battle Ground, WA (10 mi. north of Portland, OR)
Contact info: Kelly O'Neill Email:
Price: $320
Diet: The owner's choice of hay and grain is fed.
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Monthly board includes bi-monthly hoof trimming
Trails or arena: We are a retirement facility for senior equines
Pasture shelter: 4 stall barn with large paddocks - turnout in 5 acre pasture on nice days
Turnout: Fed inside to avoid squabbles, out all day
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: N/A
Comments emphasis website: GreenGate Farm specializes in the care of retired equines.

Location: Woodinville, Washington
Contact info:
Price: $100.00
Diet: Hay/grass
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: just trimming
Trails or arena: no
Pasture shelter: grass field with run in shelter
Turnout: constant
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: none
Comments emphasis website:
Location: Redmond, WA
Contact info: Mecca Equestrian Center 425-269-0871
Price: 500 for full care board; no pasture board available now
Diet: Grass hay and LMF or whatever you feed
Barefoot only: Whatever is needed
Other services: Yes, yes and some rehab services
Trails or arena: Yes. Trail system access and covered arena. Also have outside arena areas
Pasture shelter: 3 sided in process for pasture without natural cover (i.e. treed areas, etc)
Turnout: In 12 hours; outside 12 hours
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking, 3 tack rooms, 1 round pen
Comments emphasis website: Full scale 60 acre equestrian center. Various pastures for all types of horses. Large herd, small herd, private pasture, you name it.
Location: Tamarack Ridge Equine Sanctuary, Inc., Chesaw, Washington, USA (East of Oroville)
Contact info: Pauline Waits, 509-485-2255,
Price: $220, retired or lay up horses only
Diet: Normally in the winter we feed grass/alfalfa hay 24 hours a day. Whole oats and vitamin supplements. In the summer there is 120 acres of pasture. Horses with special needs can be accommodated at a predetermined amount.
Barefoot only: Yes!
Other services: Natural horsemanship with treeless saddles--no whips, chains, bits or spurs!
Trails or arena: Yes
Pasture shelter: 14 stall barn, loafing sheds, 120 acre pasture with natural shelter.
Turnout: Depends on the horse, but normally 24/7.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: No
Comments emphasis website: Emphasis is on natural care with full access to pasture

Location: Ferndale, WA, United States
Contact info: Liberty Meadows Ranch, 360-927-0045,
Price: $300/month (includes hay), $375/month (includes hay and grain).
Diet: Timothy hay fed 2x/day, rice bran or timothy pellets fed 1x/day
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Yes--I have 3 trimmers who come regularly
Trails or arena: A 70-acre horse park within a 5 minute drive. I have a 70x108 ft. indoor arena.
Pasture shelter: Two 7-acre fields attached to large paddocks with shelters and automatic waterers.
Turnout: Constant turnout
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Lots of trailer parking, and paved driveway. Tack room and 60 ft. round pen.
Comments emphasis website: Natural horsemanship practiced here. The barefoot trimmers who come to the ranch have studied and taken courses/certifications with Jaime Jackson and Pete Ramey.
Location: Milton Wisconsin, USA
Contact info: Shirley May 608-868-3039,
Price: $150
Diet: Pasture, High quality alfalfa/grass hay. Free choice hay available in winter months.
Barefoot only: YES
Other services: Training the owner, the horse is second. Also available for trimming help. Nancy Filbert SHP does make routine visits.

Trails or arena: Trails, Roads, Outdoor, Round Pens, Indoor Arena. Terrain is hilly.

Pasture shelter: 15-20 acre pastures with shelters, automatic waterers
Turnout: Most are out 24/7. We do have stalls available for $275/month, but you must be in a lesson program.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Lockable tack lockers, soak pen. Horsemanship clinics and lessons offered.

Comments emphasis website:
Location: Door County, Wisconsin
Contact info: Mo Olsen 920-825-7804
Price: $180
Diet: Pasture, hay, mineral and homepathic supplements
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Strasser farrier , training for both horse and rider
Trails or arena: 5 miles of mowed, wooded grass trails indoor and outdoor arenas indoor and outdoor round pens
Pasture shelter: Total of 20 acres, large run in sheds automatic water system
Turnout: Full turnout 24/7
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking, tackrooms, rider's lounge with full bath, kitchenette, TV, large equine library
Comments emphasis website: We practice a holistic approach in our boarding and training. Our barn features a Strasser farrier, chiropracter, and equine massage. A very animal-friendly setup with a great atmosphere; hoses are happy here. Very into nutrition, using some of Pat Coleby's recommendations.

Location: Southeastern Wisconsin (one hour from downtown Chicago)
Contact info: Kendall Victorine, (262) 857-2097,
Price: $400.00 per month
Diet: Horses are individually grained two times a day. Pasture or hay available at all times. Hay is homegrown and has been tested to determine optimum compatibility with grain.
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Trimming and rehab
Trails or arena: Outdoor sand arena with jumps, quiet road.
Pasture shelter: One part of the barn is a run-in which opens onto sizeable dry lot, which in turn opens onto 4 pastures. Pastures are rotated on a 3-week interval.
Turnout: I prefer horses out 24/7, since the run-in is always available. There are also stalls available.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Small tack room. Hot water available when temperature is consistently above freezing.
Comments emphasis website: Quiet private farm with a focus on keeping horses as naturally as possible while maintaining active work and competition schedules. I enjoy rehabbing horses back to productive lives. New horses are carefully integrated into the herd.
Location: Campbellville, Ontario, CANADA
Contact info: Sharon Quarrington, 905-659 -5556,
Price: $225 Canadian
Diet: Discuss with owner - generally free choice hay and grass, naked oats, beet pulp, etc.
Barefoot only: Almost all barefoot
Other services: Training and rehab, PNH, TTeam, Mark Rashid, Cranio Sacral, etc.
Trails or arena: Indoor arena, Outdoor grass ring, trails on property, lots of fields.
Pasture shelter: 2 to 6 acres per field, large run in
Turnout: Constant, in for grain feeding
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Lots of parking, tack room, grooming area, 50x50 square pen
Comments emphasis website:

Location: Kemptville, Ontario, CANADA
Contact info: Lisa Huhn 506-783-2943
Price: $350
Diet: To be discussed individually. Generally free choice grass hay, naked oats, minerals and salt
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Yes Trim training, Horse training, Lameness rehabilitation
Trails or arena: Yes Lots of trails in the woods/fields. Dressage arena and large round ring.
Pasture shelter: A natural lifestyle in a concentrated EQ system. Multiple footings to condition feet, grass area, seasonally changed. Shelters are manmade as well as natural shelters of trees.
Turnout: Living a natural lifestyle out 24/7
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Tack room...round pen
Comments emphasis website:
Location: Thornbury/Meaford Ontario, Canada
Contact info: 1-519-538-5049
Price: $200
Diet: Pasture/Hay
Barefoot only: No back shoes Prefer Barefoot
Other services: Trimming/Natural rehab
Trails or arena: Hours of beautiful trails/ Indoor Arena
Pasture shelter:
Trailer parking amenities roundpen:
Comments emphasis website:
Location: Portland, Ontario, Canada
Contact info: Susanne, 1-613-272-2597,
Price: CDN 350.00
Diet: Stable Mix by Purina, Equilizer, Gras or Hay or by demand
Barefoot only: no
Other services: yes
Trails or arena: trails on property, sand & grass ring, round pen, indoor arena
Pasture shelter: large run-ins, fields about 20 acres each
Turnout: by demand
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: trailer parking yes, heated tack room yes, round pen yes
Comments emphasis website:
Location: 20 min. from downtown Ottawa in Luskville, Quebec, Canada
Contact info: Avant-Garde Equestrian Farm, 1-819-455-9319, email:
Price: Outdoor; $300.00 CD plus taxes without use of indoor arena. $450.00 plus taxes with use of indoor arena. Indoor board available, contact us for more info.
Diet: Grass in pasture season, maintenance supplement, milled flax seed and great quality hay and low sugar grain in colder months. All of the horses come to the barn every day for their feeding and check-over.
Barefoot only: Barefoot or shoes in front.
Other services: Farrier comes every 6 weeks or when needed. We do offer training and rehab. All work on the farm is supervised by a FEI level dressage rider/trainer with 30 years of horse industry experience in Europe and North America.
Trails or arena: 100 acres of fantastic hacking looking at the great Gatineau hills. Short trailer drive away, we have many km. of trails at the foot of the hills. New 70' x 200' sand ring and grass jumper ring.
Pasture shelter: Grass pasture in late spring, all summer and fall. Superb quality hay and low sugar grains in the winter. Shelter and clean water accessible at all times.
Turnout: 24/7 for most of our clients. Horses are checked every day in the pasture.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Plenty of space for trailers. Tack room space for all horse owners. Grass jumper ring and canter track. Sand ring planned for summer of 2004.
Comments emphasis website: Avant-Garde is the place where horses are horses, but greatly loved by their humans! Care is outstanding and horses stay sound, happy and healthy. We also have Jack Russell Terrier puppies available around Christmas.
Location: Canada
Contact info:
Price: $125.00/month CDN
Diet: Grass
Barefoot only: Yes
Other services: Yes
Trails or arena: Yes
Pasture shelter: Lushpasturenoshelter
Turnout: In at night
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Yes, yes, yes
Comments emphasis website:
Location: Langley, B.C., Canada
Contact info: Fraea Bolding, email:
Price: $300 (w/ full rehab care) $200(w/o full rehab care)
Diet: Whole oats in custom mash with apples, carrots and molasses, quality timothy or orchard grass mix hay
Barefoot only: Both barefoot and shod horses welcome
Other services: Full rehab care: daily hand walking, medicinal hoof soaks, administration of meds.
Trails or arena: Private entrance to small trail off pasture, small riding arena
Pasture shelter: 20 acres of pasture, 6 stall barn, shelters in progress
Turnout: 24/7 pasture and herd life
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: small round pen
Comments emphasis website:
Location: We are located in the beautiful Tranquille Valley, approximately 45 minutes NW of Kamloops, BC, Canada
Contact info: Colleen, 250-376-3457,
Price: *$200 (hay included)
*$100 (hay provided by horse owner)
*Cost may depend on the level of care required by an individual horse. There may be additional fees should the horse require extended care. All additional feed, supplements and medications provided at the owner's expense. All barefoot trimming and veterinary expenses are the owner's responsibility.
Diet: We course out hay from a variety of locations and always choose grass mixes. One of our suppliers is a certified organic farmer and we are very careful when choosing all of our hay. We feed hay free choice in a herd situation with several small piles. We don't use feeders and always feed at ground level. Our horses are fed a variety of feeds and supplements according to their individual needs and we are happy to consult with owners with regards to their horse's unique requirements. We have experience with feeding for founder, insulin resistance and hypothyroidism. We have found a low card, high fat extruded feed and also use beet pulp, whole oats and BOSS in our feeding programs. There is an NSA beet pulp readily available locally as well as a beet pulp/timothy hay cube and a guaranteed low NSC timothy cube.
Barefoot only: Yes! WE are not accepting any shod horses unless the owner is willing to begin transition before the horse arrives on our property. We are willing to support the horse and owner through transition.
Other services: We have a wonderful SHP who visits regularly and we are doing some mei9ntenance trimming on our own horses. Owners do not necessarily have to be present for trims, but are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to learn more about their horse's feet. Our preferred training methods are the gentler methods offered by John Lyons. We are happy to help owners with rehab.
Trails or arena: There are trails within riding distance and many more a short trailer ride away.
Pasture shelter: We have a 3 acre dry lot which includes a wooded area, and a mountain for the horses to climb. The dry lot is natural terrain with rocks and uneven footing. We do have a 60' x 100' pen that can be used if you need to keep your horse "close" for a brief period, but we do not like to keep the horses "locked up." The horses often use the wooded area for shelter and there is also a run-in shelter available. We do have 3 acres of mixed pasture. If your horse is able to tolerate grass, we will utilize that. We prefer to keep the horses off of the grass when the sugars are high.
Turnout: Horses are out 24 hours a day 365 days a year without the use of "clothing." Pasture turnout may be overnight with horses being brought in to the dry lot during the day to avoid sugar overload.
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: We have plenty of room for trailers and we do have a locked tack shed.
Comments emphasis website: We believe that as custodians of these magnificent creatures, it is our responsibility to allow them to just "be horses" as often as possible. We make them a solemn promise that if they will just do as we ask for as long as we ask it, we will turn them loose and allow them to be horses again. We believe in herd life and natural surroundings as much as that is possible in captivity. We are dedicated to the barefoot way of life and understand that it means more than just leaving shoes off of the horse's hooves. We believe that movement, herd life, diet, trim and overall metabolic health all play a role in the health of the horse's hooves. We believe that the worst reason to do anything is because that is how it has always been done, and are constantly studying, learning and striving to do the best or our horses. We are open to and believe that the horse can benefit from many different therapies including homeopathics, herbals, massage therapy, chiropractic and acupuncture. We believe that these "alternate" therapies can be used as an adjunct to more traditional veterinary care.
Location: Nar Nar Goon, Victoria, Australia
Contact info:
Price: $35 per horse per week
Diet: Natural pasture, meadow hay, free choice minerals
Barefoot only: No metal shoes on property, trimmed barefoot only
Other services: Strasser trimmers visit property
Trails or arena: On property, safe dirt road, arena, 5 min float to state forest
Pasture shelter: 10 acre paddocks, rotation, sloping land, tree wind breaks
Turnout: 24/7 turnout, am & pm physical checks of all horses onsite
Trailer parking amenities roundpen: Trailer parking, tack room, double foot soak
Comments emphasis website: Herd size of 10 only rotating around 4 ten acre paddocks, each paddock has a dam and water trough
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