The naturalhorsetrim listserv is very fortunate to have Eleanor Kellon, VMD and Linsey McLean aboard. Dr. Kellon is the technical editor for The Horse Journal. Linsey McLean is biochemist who formulates VitaRoyal products for both people and horses.
Below are some very interesting posts they have made on the role of magnesium in equine nutrition and laminitis.
From: Eleanor Kellon Date: Mon Jun 19, 2000 11:39am Subject: Re: Battling Laminitis for 18 months Nora is absolutely right. Need to find the cause of the laminitis and attack that at the same time as the feet are worked on mechanically. Sounds like you have deep seated infection problems - definitely common anyway but in your case may have a stubborn fungal element. We are currently running a clinical trial on the effectiveness of magnesium in horses/ponies with problems related to chronic founder (grass founder in most cases) associated with obesity, "cresty" necks, abnormal glucose metabolism. This is mentioned briefly on Gretchen's site too. Preliminary results are very encouraging. By all means check the horse's blood work if there is any evidence of a hormonal/metabolic abnormality such as the abnormally long hair coat and high water consumption of "Cushing's" (pituitary tumor), obesity or normal body weight, but with abnormal fat deposits at tail base and along neck. Otherwise, have your ration checked for magnesium content and calcium:magnesium ratio. Excess calcium in relation to magnesium is very common, leading to a relative magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is also important for maintaining normal insulin sensitivity. Ration should be supplemented with magnesium to bring the calcium:magnesium ratio down to 2:1. Iodine deficiency is also common and may contribute to hormonal abnormalities. Feed a mineral supplement formulated for horses (there are several good ones out there) or, better yet in many cases, especially if the animal is on a "diet", a protein and mineral supplement such as Triple Crown 30. The hoof is almost entirely protein and you cannot rebuild it without high quality (not quantity) protein in the diet. Would also suggest keeping the feet in boots with a thick bottom layer of cotton or disposable diaper cut to size and saturated with povidone iodine or another suitable white line disease product. This will also make the horse more comfortable while adjusting to being barefoot. If you correct any contributing metabolic abnormalities, feed correct amounts of mineral and protein to build a healthy foot and combat the infectious agents as well as possible the foot will grow out the diseased portions. it will be a long haul but it CAN be done. Eleanor Kellon, VMD Technical Editor The Horse Journal From: Eleanor Kellon
<> From: Linsey McLean
<> "How wonderful it would be to just trim feet and not have to worry about a fat horse foundering. Could it be true?" Not really, there is a lot more to it than that....The
internal biochemistry can be the driving force in so many cases, that until you get that
stabilized, they just stay inflamed inside. You need help from both inside AND outside. But if you use an inverted ratio with the chelates, which are more bioavailable, you
get osteoporosis...but I do use these special mixes for short times to dissolve splints,
ringbone and other undesirable calcifications very effectively, and have for over 20
years. From: Eleanor Kellon <> [Gretchen Fathauers note: I mentioned that it did not seem that some horses were losing neck crests on dolomite alone. It seemed that the ones who did were "jump-started " on stronger forms of magnesium initially, which included a couple bottles of straight magnesium from the health food store, or a couple of doses of epsom salts, or the magnesium gel marketed for lactating cows, got faster results.] From: Linsey McLean
<> "Linsey, I found your post so interesting and will definitely spend time checking out 'vitaroyal' even though I am too far away to get it. We live close to the sea in Southern Africa on a mixture of limestone, sand, something we call koffieklip (iron stone) and some good soil as well! I have never had a problem with the horses but the goat herd has been a nightmare due to deficiencies in minerals particularly copper and cobalt. None of our commercial licks would be able to supplement for this area unless we made a special order. "I posted earlier that I am using a supplement which has high mag. less calcium and other minerals + a probiotic, for my ex lamanitic mare. I could not find any straight magnesium that was suitable and was worried about it being given in isolation. I had found out about epsom salts not being a good idea in the long run as a supplement so I stopped it. I am really trying to learn how to help her best. --Sara" Hi Sara, I do not know why Eleanor has not been able to get the multi mineral mixes with calcium and the other minerals to work as well as the magnesium alone. I suspect it has to do with either the ratios and/or the chemical forms of the minerals. I started using magnesium singly back in 1977, with individual cases as clinical trials and multiple symptoms of magnesium deficiency, that I could easily monitor. I got results, yes, but I got sooo much better and faster results using the multiple mixes.....when they were balanced for the environmental conditions at the time. I have been following the environmental changes for the last 23 years and adjusting the blends continually, to keep abreast of these changes. There are many people on the healthyhorse list that have been using my environmentally balanced feed recipes and supplements, which contain all the essential minerals, with a great deal of success. They report loss of bloat, better muscle definition, loss of crestiness and better hair coats, with resolution of any number of other health and behavior problems too, and in a relatively short time frame. They are spread all over the US and Canada. You might sign on that list and ask them how they are doing, and the case histories of their horses too. Some of them also join me on my live chat , so you can ask them there as well. the web address is available through the web site. The next live chat is Mon June 26, from 8 to 10 PM EDT. Linsey McLean From: Linsey McLean
<> " .but his neck was not going down on a Tbsp. of dolomite a day. He may need heavier supplementation initially." Please be aware of the chemical forms of magnesium that you they have different destinations and different effects in the body. It is not such an easy thing as one might think. Also be aware that bone meal and dolomite have more calcium than magnesium in them...the ratios may not be what you're looking for...and both these chemical forms have been found to be highly susceptible to lead contamination, even in the human markets. Linsey From: Eleanor Kellon
<> Excellent point about the lead. Aluminum is another possible toxic contaminant, as is iron. From: Eleanor Kellon
<> In response to multiple posts re: types of magnesium and specific magnesium products: TYPES: In general, minerals that are in an organic form are more easily absorbed than those in an inorganic form. Inorganic forms of minerals are those found in the soil. Organic forms are those found in foods or manufactured to resemble those found in foods. Epsom salts contains magnesium sulfate - an inorganic magnesium. Dolomite is the inorganic salts of calcium and magnesium. Magnesium oxide is an inorganic form but more easily absorbed than magnesium sulfate. Magnesium gluconate and magnesium asparatate are two examples of organic or "chelated" pure magnesium sources. Epsom salt magnesium is the least readily absorbed, although some of the magnesium does get taken up by the body. Magnesium oxide is next in line. The magnesium in dolomite is as absorbable as that in magnesium oxide but the problem is calcium and magnesium share some absorption pathways and the body preferentially will take the calcium first. If the diet already has an excess of calcium, some of the absorption pathways will be blocked to both calcium and (as a secondary effect) magnesium. This is why it is best to use a pure magnesium supplement first when trying to correct a serious and longstanding magnesium deficiency. Once the symptoms have abated, you should then switch to a supplement program that contains both adequate magnesium and all other minerals in correct balance. (That is another whole topic!) THERE ARE NO SPECIFIC STUDIES IN HORSES THAT SHOW HOW EFFECTIVELY DIFFERENT FORMS OF MAGNESIUM ARE ABSORBED. We do know from lots of other mammals and from human studies that organic forms are generally better absorbed. However, if you already have your horse on a program that is working for him, regardless of the type of magnesium you are using, there is no pressing need to change it. It IS important though to make sure that your program is balanced overall for every mineral. If not, deficiencies elsewhere could be induced or worsened. With very few exceptions, mineral supplements do not "treat" any health problem. What they do is correct an underlying deficiency state that can contribute to certain problems arising. They are very much a way of treating the "whole horse". You are getting the horse's tissues back into a healthy balance so that the whole organism can function normally and at peak efficiency. If horses with certain problems - like a tendency toward grass founder - need more of a given nutrient to stay free of this problem, it is not because that nutrient "treats" the problem. It is because there are underlying conditions/demands in the body that mean this individual needs more of the nutrient to keep his systems in balance. Feeding that nutrient to a horse that does not need it will have no effect or a negative effect, as will feeding more of it than the horse actually needs. Epsom salts and dolomite should not be considered "bad" things to feed. A better word would be possibly less effective than the other choices. SPECIFIC PRODUCTS: Since United Vet Equine was brought up, let's start there. MEGA-MAG: High magnesium comprehensive vitamin and mineral supplement. This provides calcium and magnesium in an approximately 1:1 ratio, higher than the 2:1 we are looking for in the overall diet so it can be considered a high magnesium supplement. 2 oz provides just under 2 grams of magnesium. For horses with a magnesium deficiency significant enough to make them prone to grass founder, this is probably not enough to meet their needs. Feeding more than 2 oz probably won't get the job done either (unless you have a very low calcium hay or pasture) since the calcium goes up when the magnesium goes up (e.g. same problem as dolomite). May need to combine with a little bit of a pure magnesium source (see below). Type of magnesium: magnesium oxide SERENITY (from Vita-Royal) A calcium, magnesium and trace mineral supplement (no selenium though) with Vitamin E, pyridoxine and thiamine. Gives 5 grams magnesium/oz with slightly less calcium. More concentrated magnesium source than Mega-Mag, but not as comprehensive a supplement (designed to be compatible with other Vita-Royal products without risking overdoses). Best for a low calcium hay/grass based diet. Type of magnesium: Magnesium chelate. Vita-Royal has a variety of other magnesium containing supplements with calcium:magnesium at just over 1:1 (like Mega-Mag). Pure Magnesium Supplements: MAGNESIUM 3,000 (United Vet Equine) Provides 3 grams elemental magnesium per oz serving. Types of magnesium: Mag oxide and mag chelates E-SE-MAG (United Vet Equine). Provides 6 grams of magnesium plus 4 mg selenium and 2000 I.U. vitamin E per oz. Types of magnesium: Mag oxide and mag chelates. BIOPLEX MAGNESIUM (Uckele Health and Nutrition). Provides 2.8 grams magnesium chelate per oz. QUIESSENCE (Fox Den Equine). (Pellet) 5 grms magnesium per ounce from magnesium oxide. Web Sites: These are all reputable companies with quality products. Won't find them in a tack shop or feed store. All sell direct from the manufacturer (which may seem like a bit of a pain but it's a big plus since quality control and stock rotation is much tighter this way.) HOW TO USE MAGNESIUM SUPPLEMENTS: There are no hard and fast rules because how much you might need depends on the condition of the horse, the type of diet being fed, size of horse, etc.. Acute laminitis and horses that are rapidly becoming cresty are treated differently than subacute cases. Maintenance doses are also different from those for acute problems. As a rule of thumb, for acute cases or abnormal fat deposits, need anywhere from 3 grams magnesium per day (small pony) up to 12 or more (large/heavy horse, high calcium diet, etc..). Maintenance doses depend entirely on size of horse and type of diet. Maintenance dosing should begin when the acute problem has been corrected. I wish I could help each of you individually as you need it. To be honest, have done that already for a few but can see it would rapidly become overwhelming. I've been meaning to set up a web site but just haven't had any time to do it yet. I'll put the cart in front of the horse as it were and do this... Anyone who wants ballpark guidelines for how much to use based on weight of horse, type of problem and duration of problem I'll give you that for a $20.00 fee. All follow up questions and maintenance recommendations free of charge. For more detailed analysis based on "book values" complete ration analysis as well as the factors above (will get you much closer to the ideal dose), $50.00. Includes specific product recommendations to suit your horse and your diet. I have no ties to any specific companies and will direct you to the most suitable, most economical across the board supplement plan. Hope this helps... Eleanor Kellon From: Linsey McLean
<> "I am interested in any other SPECIFIC sources for magnesium. I have read a handful of posts here that are specific in warning against dolomite or epsom salt, but I have not seen any specific alternative magnesium resources suggested." Dear Jaki, All of the specialty supplements from Vita Royal Prod. are balanced with higher magnesium ratios for the effects of the toxic environment on our horses, and contain amino acid chelate forms, which are "predigested" forms that are totally non toxic. The beauty of a multimineral mix of these forms is that they do not compete for absorption with each other like other forms do, as they are already bonded to their carrier proteins, and the body uses what it needs and easily excretes the rest. That way, as each body has it's own specific nutritional deficiencies from individual genetics, exposures, seasons of the year, soil and feeds deficiencies, a mix like this is self regulating. No complicated calculations on the part of the owner is required for the best way of satisfying each horse's individual requirements. A mix using all trace minerals as amino acid chelates costs a little more, but for what it does, however, the benefits far outweigh the increase in cost. We also do custom blends for individual circumstances for individuals and veterinarians as well as whole farms. Linsey McLean From: Eleanor Kellon
<> From: Linsey McLean
<> Eleanor wrote: "SERENITY (from Vita-Royal) A calcium, magnesium and trace mineral supplement (no selenium though) with Vitamin E, pyridoxine and thiamine." "Gives 5 grams magnesium/oz with slightly less calcium. More concentrated magnesium source than Mega-Mag but not as comprehensive a supplement (designed to be compatible with other Vita-Royal products without risking overdoses). Best for a low calcium hay/grass based diet. Type of magnesium: Magnesium chelate. "Vita-Royal has a variety of other magnesium containing supplements with calcium:magnesium at just over 1:1 (like Mega-Mag)." Dear Eleanor, All of Vita Royal's multi mineral mixes contain selenium, including Serenity, which is a blend of our standard Equine Plus Performance mix and a dry form of our Nutrient Buffer and it is designed to be fed by itself, not with other basic multimineral products. It contains two forms of magnesium, amino acid chelate and magnesium oxide. Linsey |
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